Auditions ZeroG SkyDancers Fall/Winter 2007 Production!
Second Life’s critically acclaimed ZeroG SkyDancers are issuing a call to Second Life residents with a desire to train to perform with the world renowned ZeroG SkyDancers team founded in early 2006 by DC Spensley (DanCoyote Antonelli in SL).
The time commitment is roughly 2 hours a week for rehearsals and 3 hours on performance dates. Performers are paid for each show. The job requires reasonably good avatar flying skills and the ability to learn and remember choreography.
Rehearsal times are Tuesdays 7:30PM Second Life Time
Please contact:
Dancoyote Antonelli in SL
DC Spensley in RL at
Abbreviated Copy:
Second Life’s critically acclaimed ZeroG SkyDancers are issuing a call to Second Life residents with a desire to train to perform with the world renowned ZeroG SkyDancers team founded in early 2006. Time commitment is 2 hours a week for rehearsals and 3 hours on performance dates. Performers are paid for shows. The job requires good avatar flying skills and the ability to learn and remember choreography. Rehearsal times are Tuesdays 7:30PM Second Life Time Contact: Dancoyote Antonelli